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  • 11/04/2019 3:40 PM | Michael Conroy (Administrator)

    ACC Board of Directors Election

    The annual Board of Director Election will take place Monday November 11 at 7pm in the Clubhouse. There are two openings on the board. The terms of both Jim Barbour and Lou Peragallo expire at the end of the year. Lou is eligible to run for reelectionThis is your chance to select your voice on the board.

    There are three candidates for the open two positions. They are Jeff DetrickLou Peragallo and Katie Riley. Their nominee statements are included at the bottom of the newsletter.

    Chance to win a GLOCK at the board meeting!

    Thanks to the GLOCK Sports Shooting Foundation match held at the Club in October, there will be a drawing only for those in attendance for a GLOCK Certificate. Tickets will be $20 each. So you not only get a chance to select who is on the board, you will also have a chance to win a GLOCK pistol.

    Ammunition Warning!  Geco

    A new danger to our club’s steel targets has emerged in the last couple of months: steel core pistol ammo. “Geco” is the headstamp I have been seeing, but likely there are others. While perfectly safe for use on paper and cardboard targets, any steel contained in the bullet when it hits a steel target will leave a crater* in the target. Even more concerning is the possibility that the “steel core” part of the bullet may bounce straight back at you, instead of splattering on the target like lead does.

    Again, this is pistol ammo (Steel core rifle ammo is more common).   

    It may not be advertised as steel core. Find a good magnet and check the tips of all your pistol ammo. 

    Label any you should happen to find as “CARDBOARD ONLY”. Like a tornado; rare, but hazardous.

    Lastly, at ACC, no rifle shots at steel targets are allowed, even at your steel. No shotgun slugs at steel.

    Steel targets are safe, but only if used correctly. Kind of like guns.

    *Craters in steel targets make the targets far more hazardous to use, as the normal lead bullets will no longer splatter safely left/right/up/down, as they do on a good flat steel target; but instead will make tiny U-turns in each of the craters, and will ricochet back at you.

    Thank you

    Eric Welsh

    ACC President and Secretary

    SCSA MD at ACC

    GSSF VC at ACC


    Membership Renewals

    For those who have renewed you membership of 2020, we thank you.

    If you’ve not renewed your membership yet, you should have received a renewal reminder on Nov. 1 via email.  You will receive another on Dec. 1.  Memberships expire at the end of the year.

    The email will include a link to the club website where you can pay your dues by credit card. You can also go to your profile page (located at icon at the upper right of the screen). You can also print a membership card or save it to your phone.  

    If you've not logged in to the new site, you can use your email address to log in to your member profile:


    If this is your first time logging in, please use the following link to reset your password:

    Click here to Reset Password

    An email will be sent to you to reset your password.

    Once you've logged in, you will be prompted to accept the terms and conditions. Then, you can go into your profile and update and verify your contact information.

    We encourage you to renew early.  Beat the holiday rush!

    Click here renew your membership

    Follow suggested actions on your profile screen.

    Club Donations

    Several members have inquired about making a donation to the club in addition to their membership dues. Some because they aren’t able to pitch in during work parties or just to offer additional support of our first-class facility and the great programs we offer.

    We have set up a page on the Club Website to make it easy.  Just follow this link.


    Thank you for your generosity!

    Plate Rack Notes

    I have repaired the plate racks. If you find a broken bolt, or the pull lever acting up, either fix it or tell somebody (you can always use the “Contact Us” link on the Website).

    We have someone who continues to shoot at the guard plate that sits in front of the tire on the older plate racks. I hope they are not missing the plates that bad?

    Anyways, please keep cans of Black and White spray-paint with you so you can paint up the racks when you are finished. As sportsmen, we want to keep them lasting a long time. 

    Jim Barbour

    BOD Nominee Statements

    Hello ACC members!  

    My name is Jeff Detrick and I am running for the board of directors on Nov 11th. I am running for the BoD because I have a strong passion for introducing new shooters to the sport, and I believe that introducing people to shooting is the only way to preserve the second amendment for future generations. 

    In addition to the shooting sports, I dedicate myself to training as a responsibly armed citizen. I feel our facility is one of the best places in the Midwest for this type of training. I see ACC as being a Go-To Destination for people looking for quality, accountable training to enhance their day to day lives and be able to test those skills through the matches we hold weekly in various disciplines.  My vision is to expand the opportunities for training at the club for those new in their journey, and challenge those further along to enhance their skill set. 

    I encourage our members to introduce someone unfamiliar to shooting to our facility and be an advocate in your community. The second amendment is for every citizen regardless of race, sex, religion, or political affiliation, and the only way 2A will survive is to educate those around us. Be solutionaries!

    Thank you for considering me when you vote on Nov 11th. 

    See you on the range!

    -Jeff Detrick

    My name is Lou Peragallo.  I am married with two daughters, am retired and live in Westfield.  I have been a member of Atlanta Conservation Club for 6 years.  I currently serve on the Board of Directors as your Vice President.  I also serve as the New Member Director.  I compete in USPSA, Steel Challenge while my prime interest is IDPA.  I am an IDPA Chief Safety Officer and travel the country competing in many events. 

    As a member of your board I strive to protect the interests of our members by ensuring a safe and secure environment at the club.  I work with the board to maintain and improve conditions at the facility while promoting all shooting sports.  I believe an active club makes an impact in protecting our 2nd Amendment rights. 

    I appreciate your support for my re-election to the board.

    Lou Peragallo

    My name is Katie Riley.    I first became aware of ACC about 4 years ago during a presentation about shooting sports and opportunities that existed.  It took me about another year after that before I really began to explore what ACC had to offer and start becoming a member of our wonderful range family.  Three years ago I started shooting IDPA at ACC and that introduced me to our membership and may more opportunities.  I officially joined the ACC family 2 years ago.  I am a USCCA certified firearms instructor, NRA safety officer, and IDPA safety officer.  I also had the opportunity to spend 2 years in leadership in the Westfield, IN chapter of the Well Armed Woman.  As ACC moves forward into the coming years, I'd like to see us explore options to further engage women & youth into shooting and the shooting sports.  Demographically, women are one of the quickest growing segments in the firearms industry, and many of them are looking for opportunities to learn, practice, and grow.  Youth are always the future of shooting & the shooting sports; the hobby / lifestyle / past-time of shooting won't continue without them to bolster it forward.

    Outside of shooting, I'm a technical program lead and technical program manager for BorgWarner (in Noblesville), currently working on the production launch of an electric motor of a hybrid vehicle.  Other hobbies (outside of shooting) include quilting, reading, and spending as much time with family as possible.

    Katie Riley

  • 10/25/2019 10:05 PM | Michael Conroy (Administrator)

    The USPSA match for Saturday and Sunday has been cancelled.  Bays 1, and 7-9 are open for members on both days.  

  • 10/23/2019 3:52 PM | Michael Conroy (Administrator)

    BOD elections will take place on Monday, November 11, 2019 at 7pm.

    There are four nominees for the two open positions.  You must be in attendance to vote.

    Nominee Statements

    Jeff Detrick

    Hello ACC members!

    My name is Jeff Detrick and I am running for the board of directors on Nov 11th. I am running for the BoD because I have a strong passion for introducing new shooters to the sport, and I believe that introducing people to shooting is the only way to preserve the second amendment for future generations. 

    In addition to the shooting sports, I dedicate myself to training as a responsibly armed citizen. I feel our facility is one of the best places in the Midwest for this type of training. I see ACC as being a Go-To Destination for people looking for quality, accountable training to enhance their day to day lives and be able to test those skills through the matches we hold weekly in various disciplines.  My vision is to expand the opportunities for training at the club for those new in their journey, and challenge those further along to enhance their skill set. 

    I encourage our members to introduce someone unfamiliar to shooting to our facility and be an advocate in your community. The second amendment is for every citizen regardless of race, sex, religion, or political affiliation, and the only way 2A will survive is to educate those around us. Be solutionaries!

    Thank you for considering me when you vote on Nov 11th. 

    See you on the range!

    Jeff Detrick

    Lou Peragallo

    My name is Lou Peragallo.  I am married with two daughters, am retired and live in Westfield.  I have been a member of Atlanta Conservation Club for 6 years.  I currently serve on the Board of Directors as your Vice President.  I also serve as the New Member Director.  I compete in USPSA, Steel Challenge while my prime interest is IDPA.  I am an IDPA Chief Safety Officer and travel the country competing in many events. 

    As a member of your board I strive to protect the interests of our members by ensuring a safe and secure environment at the club.  I work with the board to maintain and improve conditions at the facility while promoting all shooting sports.  I believe an active club makes an impact in protecting our 2nd Amendment rights. 

    I appreciate your support for my re-election to the board.

    Lou Peragallo

    Katie Riley

    My name is Katie Riley.    I first became aware of ACC about 4 years ago during a presentation about shooting sports and opportunities that existed.  It took me about another year after that before I really began to explore what ACC had to offer and start becoming a member of our wonderful range family.  Three years ago I started shooting IDPA at ACC and that introduced me to our membership and may more opportunities.  I officially joined the ACC family 2 years ago.  I am a USCCA certified firearms instructor, NRA safety officer, and IDPA safety officer.  I also had the opportunity to spend 2 years in leadership in the Westfield, IN chapter of the Well Armed Woman.  As ACC moves forward into the coming years, I'd like to see us explore options to further engage women & youth into shooting and the shooting sports.  Demographically, women are one of the quickest growing segments in the firearms industry, and many of them are looking for opportunities to learn, practice, and grow.  Youth are always the future of shooting & the shooting sports; the hobby / lifestyle / past-time of shooting won't continue without them to bolster it forward.

    Outside of shooting, I'm a technical program lead and technical program manager for BorgWarner (in Noblesville), currently working on the production launch of an electric motor of a hybrid vehicle.  Other hobbies (outside of shooting) include quilting, reading, and spending as much time with family as possible.

    Katie Riley

    John Zerbo

    My name is John Zerbo and I was recently nominated for the ACC Board of Directors. I have been a member at Atlanta for 2 years. Before I came to Atlanta I was a member at Elwood CC. I made the move mainly because I thought Atlanta was a much better fit from a security and operational procedures point, also gun safety is foremost at ACC.

    I'm retired from Emerson Appliance Controls a division Emerson Electric Co. I was with the company for 33 years in various management positions. During this time the company was owned by 6 different parent companies. I learned early in my career to be flexible and respect others point of view and goals that were set for employees. Sometimes these changes were not the changes that I thought were best but I was willing to give them a try and earn the respect of others within the company.

    If I'm elected to the ACC Board I will bring these same values and flexibility with me to be a team player. Being retired I will have the time to accomplish whatever is needed.

    I respectfully ask for your vote,

    John Zerbo

  • 10/21/2019 4:20 PM | Michael Conroy (Administrator)

    The range will be closed on both Saturday and Sunday Oct. 26-27.

    The Glock Sport Shooting Foundation (GSSF) and USPSA will both host matches that will require all of the available bays.

    On Friday Oct. 25, the GSSF match will be using bays 2-6.  Bays 1, and  7-10 will be open to members.

    Thank you for your understanding.  


    The Board of Directors

  • 09/20/2019 6:28 PM | Michael Conroy (Administrator)

    At the September meeting of the ACC Board of Directors we voted to change the nomination process for prospective Board members.   Here is the new text in the bylaws ::

    4.3.4 Members will make nominations for available directors positions in person or via email to the Club Secretary from Oct 1 to 21 days prior to the annual meeting in November

    This year's nomination window is 01 OCT 2019 through 21 OCT 2019, with most expected to occur at the 14 OCT Board meeting.   There are 2 positions to fill this year.   Nominations made outside that meeting must be sent to Eric Welsh (club Secretary) at    If the nomination is made via e-mail, include the names, e-mails, and phone numbers of ::

    1.  The nominee

    2.  The nominator

    3.  The 2nd for the nomination

    Also, please send CC’s to the other Board members as you see fit.

    The range will be CLOSED for non-match shooting on Saturday the 21st from 9:00 AM until about 2:00 PM.   The Steel Challenge match will be in Bays 1 – 5 and USPSA set-up will cover Bays 6 – 10. Please join us for some Steel Shooting on Saturday and/or USPSA on Sunday !!!

    During the SCSA State Match, Bay 10 may be open.   The other nine will be in use for the match.   (27-28 SEPT 2019)

    During the IDPA State Match, all 10 Bays will be in use for the match. (3-4-5 OCT 2019)

    HELP WANTED ::  If you are familiar with how the scoring tablets work, I would like to have about 7 more scorekeepers for the SCSA State Match on Saturday the 28th. Please text or call Eric Welsh at 765.425.1164 if you would like to volunteer.  Thx !

    Eric Welsh - - SCSA & GSSF Match Director; ACC President and Secretary     765.425.1164


    New Membership:

    The past two months have seen 12 new members. They are James Cool, Michael Sherrill, Patrick Blouin, Joeseph Alagno, Anabal Salazar, Jordan Silvers, Tom Silvers, Keith Powell, William Vargo, Ganiel Gaskin and Joshua Dicks.

    Welcome to you all!

    Safety Corner:

    A few reminders to our new and veteran members about safety. 

    First and foremost, you own every round you fire.  Whether it hits the berm (where it should) or if it leaves the property, you own it. It is also the responsibility of every member to maintain a safe environment.  If you see something unsafe please approach the people involved and offer some respectful guidance on safe practices. Should you observe unsafe conditions please get the name of the member involved, the auto they are driving and the license plate and report it to me or any other board member. That way we may address the situation and keep our range.

    Plate racks can only handle pistol calibers.  PCCs and shot guns with
    bird shot are OK.  NO rifle cartridges or shot gun slugs ever as they
    will damage the plates.

    Pistol caliber full automatic use is allowed only on bays 7, 8, & 9.

    All targets should be set as close to the berm as possible to insure
    that bullets hit the berm.  Targets placed mid-bay can cause ricochets
    when a bullet hits the ground.

    Lou Peragallo
    BOD and Vice President
    New Member Director

    Please contact Eric and Lou at their listed email addresses.

  • 09/20/2019 6:21 PM | Michael Conroy (Administrator)

    The Atlanta Conservation Club range will be closed on September 21st
    until  about 2pm due to competitions.

    There will be NO OPEN BAYS.

    The Steel Challenge match will be in Bays 1 – 5 and USPSA set-up will
    cover Bays 6 – 10.   Bays 1-5 should be available sometime after 2pm
    while bays 6-10 will be closed through the end of the USPSA match on
    Sunday.  Please join us for some Steel Shooting on Saturday and/or
    USPSA on Sunday !!!

  • 09/02/2019 5:29 PM | Michael Conroy (Administrator)

    Congratulations to Lou Peragallo on his recent appointment to the Board of Directors of Atlanta Conservation Club.   Lou will be serving the remainder of Daniel Hart's term. Huge thank you to Daniel for his service to Atlanta conservation club BoD!

    Nominations for two Board of Directors positions will be accepted during the OCTOBER Board meeting (14 OCT 2019), and for 14 days following that meeting (through 28 OCT 2019). Elections still are in November…

    Several state level matches will be hosted by Atlanta Conservation Club in the coming months.   Keep your eye on the calendar. For a couple of those matches the entire range is closed…

    Also, be aware that renovations to the clubhouse will be starting very soon.   Porta-pots are already in place.

    A new website for ACC is in development. The address will be the same ( and will launch as soon as it is ready.

    Eric Welsh;  SCSA & GSSF Match Director;   765-425-1164


    Being at the club almost every day it has been a joy to talk with many of you members that enjoy our great facility. I make it a point to come over and say hi, shoot the breeze, look over some neat toys and sometimes even help with a tip or two! I encourage each of you to be empowered and also to get to know each other and make sure everyone has a chance at knowing how to handle guns properly. If you see something, then help out by meeting the member and saying something. Safety depends on us ALL! Also, do not forget our Guest Policy and Paint the Plate racks when you are done so that they endure the elements better, look great and are ready for the next member. As a best practice, pick up some paint on sale and keep it handy in your vehicle. Black Frame, white plates please.

    Thank you for being great members.

    Jim Barbour


    1911 45 Club



    Contact Jim Barbour to get in on the painting party for the new annex building 317-258-5545. Rollers, brushes and 7 gallons of paint matching the pole barn are ready.

    Match Supplies have been relocated to the new annex building.

    All surplus items from the clubhouse have been sold in preparation for the building renovation.

    Dalton Facility Director 317-518-2907

  • 07/31/2019 4:51 PM | Michael Conroy (Administrator)

    Greetings members, from the ACC Clubhouse!

    At the July board meeting, the BOD approved the 2nd renovation of the ACC clubhouse since 1966. The plans for the re-model are on the bulletin board on the right immediately as you enter the building. The project includes, among other things, a new roof with the block walls being raised 30". Two transom windows on both the east and west walls and ceiling fans in the expanded main hall encompassing the current garage. A new entrance to the bathrooms (not off the kitchen), an actual HVAC system (yes air-conditioning!) a revamped office and the ability to use part of the large room as a classroom.

    We have already had our friends at Bragg Excavating correct the drainage problems around the clubhouse and down the driveway to the bays. Bays have also been re-numbered 1-10. On 7-27 & 29, Premier Storage Barns of Knightstown, built us a 12' x 24' x 14' storage barn just to the south of the upper level safe table. This will help with storage of clubhouse items during construction and extra storage of targets and the like going forward.

    We ask for your patience and understanding during the construction period. This is a MAJOR undertaking, the largest since any of us hav been members. Early membership renewals will be encouraged and we will be accepting contributions to the construction fund. As such, we will place a plaque in the completed clubhouse, recognizing the names of members at the following contribution levels:

    Silver - $500
    Gold - $1,000
    Platinum - $2,500
    Diamond - $5,000
    Club Benefactor - $10,000

    Now is the time to show strong support for ACC! If you have any questions please email us! Thanks for being members, hope to see you on the range!

    Daniel Hart - President (
    Jim Barbour - Project Manager (
    Jeff Oakes - Project Manager (

  • 05/22/2015 8:33 AM | Anonymous

    Greetings Fellow ACC Members,

    The shooting season is here and there is a lot going on at ACC this year. Make sure to check out the Club calendar for all the events.

    The Two New plate racks have arrived and are up and available for your shooting pleasure. (See PDF Attachment)

    Bragg Construction finished up the drainage project last week so we are good to go with our renovations when the plans are finished and voted on.

    There has been a Cart/Walking path added to the Southwest corner of the range so you can make your way from Bay 10 to bay 1. Yes we are renumbering the bays to do away with a Bay 0 sign. This area will most likely remain wet so use at your own discretion. THIS IS NOT A DRIVEWAY FOR VEHICLES!!!!

    While the drainage work was going on we had problems with the well lines and pump. That was all been taken care of and is all operational now.

    Bay floors have been treated and the berms have been treated. All the nasty trees have been removed from the berms, along with the tree line being cleaned up on the west side of the property along Leonard Road.

    Also another thing to remember is that ACC is all of ours. Lets help each other keep the range looking nice and put our trash in the dumpster, this includes shotgun hulls. Please put stands and sticks back by the South East corner of the barn when you are finished using them. Lets also remember that tires and Barrels are not allowed to be used as target stands at ACC. Believe it or not people using barrels for target stands happens a lot more than you would think. So STOP doing this!!!!

    The Range remains saturated from all the rain PLEASE stay on the gravel areas.

    See you on the Range
    Daniel Hart
    BOD President
    USPSA Match Director 

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Range Hours 9a to Sunset

Time in Atlanta:

29595 Leonard (E 88th) Rd

Atlanta, IN 46031

Mailing Address:
PO Box 25

Atlanta, IN 46031

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